‘Two Words' & ‘Britain Cares' Campaign

TV Adverts & Videos
Social Media Campaigns
Award laurel


We were asked to run a campaign with a hero video to show MPs in marginal constituencies that the public cares about people with disabilities. The aim was to prevent expected cuts to social care funding.

Later that year, after the campaign, not only did the government not make the expected funding cuts to social care for people with disabilities, but they also allocated an additional £2 billion towards it.


We developed the ‘Britain Cares’ campaign, asking the public to share a photo on our custom-built user-generated content platform. Due to an unexpected change in the government’s schedule, the main film had to be created in under two weeks, including negotiating and recording a voiceover by Stephen Fry.

The results

views online
in additional government funding for social care

Joe Hall

National Campaigns Manager

"When I looked up Catsnake, as you are now, I underestimated them. They don't make good online videos. They make amazing ones. And they've learnt quickly how to create a leading digital campaign for social change. And they're brilliant to work with. I feel they are true and trusted partners: we share the same goals, the same blood, sweat and tears, and are achieving amazingly together. Please DON'T hire them - so they are free to work with us on our next project."